Wednesday, February 13, 2008

A10: Profile screen design v1

The first version of my portfolio screen design is now available for viewing (PDF, 96kb). I have gone for a clean and simple look, which I beleive defines my design 'style'.

After an overwhelming response to my CID post, I have chosen to use the 'Brody' type logo for my personal logo. As well as a font, I have created a CID sheet showing the fonts used for both print and web, and have created a mock up business card. This is available for viewing in PDF format, at 101kb.


Craig Burgess said...

I think with your design there is far too much distracting block blue around your design that keeps pulling my eyes away from the text. And also, it looks too much like a blog to me, and like I said to Craig, if somebody wants to read about you they could just click a link on your navigation. They are there to view your work, and that needs to be the focus of the design.

Similarly to Craig's too, there is too much text on the homepage for me. I'd prefer to see a few more thumbnails and less text so I don't have to go looking around for the information I want to see i.e. your work. People don't read much text on websites anyway, especially not on portfolio sites.

I think if you're going for a simplistic design, I would have one subtle and blue border around the design, and lose the rest of the thick lines so it's less distracting.

Scott Dunwoodie said...

I agree with Craig there is too much blue around the edges of your design, it compresses the overall feel of the page.

I suggest that you remove the vertical stripes down the side. I think the divide works to separate the "about me" with the rest of the page, but just 1 line perhaps.

1 line for the nav bar also.

I would like to see more images of your work examples as Craig has said.

Marc Pugh said...

I agree about the blue, and what could be done to improve this. Another thing I feel is awekward is the size of your logo to your name. I think they need to be kept at a same size to make them more consistent.

Try shrinking your logo down so its line height is the same as the one for your name.

Chris Towell said...

I have to admit it looks a bit too much like your personal blog than a portfolio website.

The blue stripes are a bit too thick and they don't really serve a purpose.

Does the about me section need to be there and if so is it going to be on every page to fit with the 'design'. I think it would be better suited on a separate page.

Julian Dyer said...

Thanks for the feedback guys, I think I know what changes I will make for the next iteration.

I think I will make the page a 1 column layout, with an emphasis on showing an image of the work. I will remove the 'about me' section and put it onto its own page, which will contain details about myself and a link to a CV.

I think the page needs some kind of border at the edge, put probably something more subtle, like a light blue to white gradient. I will align my name to the right of the header, to balance out the top of the page better.

At the bottom of each article I will have a light blue line break, and will repeat this style with the top and bottom of the navigation.

I have found it tough to create thsi first page, and I think the site structure diagram should have been an earlier blog post than planned. This way the navigation could have been decided before going ahead with a screen design.