What We Did on Our Holidays
After 6 weeks of writing, sketching and PageMaker-ing I finally have some time off to think about how it all went. I did enjoy doing the project, even though at times certain elements of it seemed to be against me. I think now that the first assignment is out the way, I can start to gain confidence as the up coming assignments progress. I am still anxious about what mark, if any at all, I will get for my first assignment. I’d like to say that I am cautiously optimistic, but I’d rather say nothing to stop me from looking a complete fool if I fail.
In preparation for the upcoming Photoshop based assignment, I have been familiarising myself (like I needed to familiarise myself with a program I use constantly) with the tools available in this most expansive of programs. I have been experimenting with some of the more artistic elements such as filters to modify pictures with (see below).I have also been doing some client based work, which gave me a great insight to how the dynamics of working with a client differs from those of working independently. For this task, I was asked to design a car with a cow hide livery. I found this tutorial on the internet on how to make a cowhide pattern, and then moved the elements of what I had created onto the design template (see below).
I found the experience satisfying, yet frustrating at the same time. As the client asked that very few logos had to be put onto the design, but I thought it stopped the car from looking believable. Well, as believable as a car covered in a cow hide pattern could be.
I also had to create a logo for my client, (see below) including the name of the team written in a font they had sent me. I found that I could create the logo design almost completely on the fly, and I believe this is due to the creative elements of my Art education, and the new professional elements which I have learn on this course.
In conclusion, my half term has been a time for reflection, and a time for learning, a balance which I think will be beneficial through the next two assignments. Please feel free to ask any questions about my work on the comments page.