Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A10: Portfolio Designs - Final

My final portfolio designs are available for viewing. I have now made the content fit the full width of the page, and at 500px this should be narrow enough to make text easy to read. On my 'interim' portfolio site I have made a page to see if this works. The character length is around 70 characters, which is between the advised 60 and 80 mark for websites.

Screen designs in include the main page and the displayed articles page .

A site structure diagram for the website has also been done.

Comments appreciated.


Craig Burgess said...

Like I commented to you the other day, I think the design is a bit too thin. I think there is room to bump up the width by another 200px. The character length may be at the extreme end, but there won't be much text anyway so you should be alright.

Failing that, you could always add a simple sidebar with other related projects on it.

I also think your blue lines are still a bit too thick and would look better a bit thinner.

Chris Towell said...

I agree with Craig it is a bit too thin but maybe not as extreme as to widen it by 200px;.

I have another issue with the site which is the headers are different colours, the first three are a darker blue than the higher level headers and the bottom three are the same as the header above.

If you are trying to colour code these to the different work sections, Print, Web etc, it might be better to use a different shade of blue.

Julian Dyer said...

Thanks for the feedback guys. I think i will increase the width by 100px, this way it will make the navigation a bit more spaced out, while not damaging the readability of the text too much. It will also help if I add in and other pages over time.

I think the colours you are referring to Chris are for visited links - I'm not entirely sure what these will be, as it may differ from what I have said on my design. Choosing a colour for visited links with a monochromatic colour scheme can be hard to decide - but I'll probable stick to a darker shade of blue.

Scott Dunwoodie said...

I have to agree with the majority and say it needs to be wider. Too much scrolling can be a bad thing.

You are quite advanced in the development of your site, at least this way you can get some good user feedback.

I think for the FMP I hope to include a "wireframe" stage into the development process.

This will maximise user feedback early in development which will ensure a more intuitive site design.