A10: CID logo ideas
Today I have been putting together some logo ideas for the portfolio website. These will form the basis of my personal corporate identity. I would be grateful for any feedback you have on my initial ideas.
This logo uses the letters 'JD' as negative space, and would be used in a variety of colours. It would use the canvas to fill in the negative space, allowing the logo to blend into whatever it was put on to.
Brody type
This logo uses a Neville Brody font. The light pastel blue colour would be used for the main CID colour.
Custom Letters
I have created these letters as vectors, and have tried to keep the balance of size and shape equal between the two initials.
I have taken the concept of a corporate identity one step further, by using features of my face to create the letters.
I like your first two ideas the best. The first one reminds me of the logo for a printer company as they often use the CMYK combo to back up the idea of printing. Have you just chosen the colours at random or are these the actual colours you are using?
I think the second idea using Insignia as a stand-alone text logo works the best. The spacing is bugging me a bit though; maybe try bringing the j closer to the d? Even touching?
I'm not sure I'm feeling the pastel colours. I think you should go for something a bit stronger if you want to use these on a variety of media as the pastel colours tend to merge into the background rather than stand out. You need a logo with strong contrast if you are planning on using it overlaying images for example.
I don't like your third and fourth idea much. The third idea's weighting is all off and neither letter really works with the other. And no matter how much I look at the final one I can't help seeing turds.
3 is the one for me.
I don't know if it is too late to comment as I have seen your next post. I agree with what you have chosen the right look, Brody type.
Craig mentioned in his comment about having them touching? would you consider framing them in a stroked box?
This would help make the finished result become more of an insignia.
Just realised now that I put the wrong number in my last comment. I actually meant 2, not 3. Sorry about that.
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