Primary - Educationalists
This part of my target audience is aged between 30 and 55 and has high computer experience, and has access to high speed internet connection at work and at home with a connection speed greater than 1mbps. The user has also used sever e-commerce websites to order products and services, and uses the internet to research while at work. They use both Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 2.0 for Windows XP and Mac OSX to use the internet. These users are also highly educated and read several magazines and books each week.
Secondary - Potential employees
These users are aged between 30 and 45 and work in the interactive media design industry. They are very experienced internet users, and use the latest browsers (IE7, Firefox 2.0, Opera V9, Safari 2.0), and use both Mac OSX and Windows XP systems. They have a substantial knowledge of XHTML, CSS, as well as CMS systems. These users are also experienced designers, with interests in bitmap, vector artwork as well as typography. These people are frequently online, and have experienced many online shops, which they use frequently to buy products.
Secondary - Potential Clients
The typical user owns a small business and would like to increase it’s exposure to their client base. They have limited internet experience, and use the internet in the evening at home for an hour every day. They use Internet Explorer 6 for Windows and have occasionally bought products from online shops. They mainly use search engines to find the websites which they would like to browse, and have an internet connection speed of 512kbps. This user also uses the internet to contact friends by email and instant messaging systems.
I agree with the 3 Target Audiences you have specified, but would you not add Students as a Target Audience or maybe even competition, as these will be looking to see what kind of work they have to beat.
A strong set of audiences but I think Chris has a point with adding students as a fourth audience. When I was in the application stages of applying for this course, I was advised to take a look at student portfolios to get a general idea of what the course entailed.
This may also be the case for next year and the year after, your portfolio could be linked on the HND website, therefore have many students visit it.
I've seen the potential clients target audience on a few people's profiles now, and I'm not sure I agree with it. This portfolio will mainly comprise of college work and will likely be used as a college portfolio, therefore there will be little commercial work on there. I'm sure for these reasons it will be very difficult to make such a portfolio appeal to potential clients.
Also, specifically thinking of the presentation here, I doubt there will be any potential clients there, and after the course you may decide to use your portfolio for a different purpose, which is when that target audience would come into play.
I think you have done the right thing by saying your primary target audience is educationalists and your two secondary target audiences are potential employees and potential clients. I see this as an assignment first and foremost, and my aim is to pass the assignment, but a portfolio in the real world should attract employees and clients so it is good practice for when we look for a job.
We probably will change our portfolio after the course to add work done externally but I think for this assignment these target audiences are good examples.
I don't think students can be seen as a primary target audience.
What students will be able to employ one of us after completing the course?
There is no doubt they will be in attendance at the end of year presentation, I think we have to appeal to a more professional audience.
@Craig - We are probably going to be using our portfolios for different things then. I would hope that some potential clients would see this and think "Could they do a web proect for me?".
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