Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Design Mechanics visit

I learnt to design for the client, not yourself. CVs sent to prospective employers should be followed up with a phone call, as this shows enthusiasm. Dave Pannell believed the portfolio should include commercial pieces of work. Web and print pieces are needed to show a range of abilities.

Technical skills form part of the requirements, and a willingness to learn. Finding information clients helps create designs which they like. Getting them to commit to work reduces the chances of a redesign later. Print and web design are valued equally in the industry.


DREW said...

I know what you mean, I remember when I was first applying for jobs before I started this course and a few people said I should call them to follow it up. Personally I did think this was a bit like pestering and that I should let my work speak for itself but I guess it can't hurt to do it.

John Browne said...

Thanks for your blog entry, i found it realy helpful. Off the subject i can sort of relate to the lack of experience not getting me the job.

I once replied for a receptionist position at a Nissan showroom, only i wasn't taken on to the team because i had no previous experience in answering the phone and speaking in a good manner.

John Browne said...

I meant comment***

Suzanne Hullah said...

Thank you for the advice you gave us yesterday before the presentation. I've certainly taken note and hopefully this will help me for my current/future assignments.

Well done on the work you presented and for being the first to volunteer.

Tom Smith said...

I sympathise with what Drew said about following CVs up with a call... when I was job hunting this time last year I never did, as I felt I was too pushy and this might reflect negatively on me. Dave's talk yesterday made me look on this in a different way and that actually it shows enthusiasm and commitment.

Richard said...

Getting a client to commit to a piece of work seems to be the best approach of getting an idea that suits a client first time. I think the design mechanics are a little hard on clients but I suppose this is why they are so successful because they don�t waste any of their time on projects that aren�t going any ware. Especially with 100-150 projects between 4 designers they cant afford to!

Craig Burgess said...

"Finding information clients helps create designs which they like"

Could you clarify to me what you mean by that line Julian please?

Julian Dyer said...

It should say 'on' clients. The survey, etc. I'm still within 100 words with it though :)

Webomatic said...

I haven’t really applied for any jobs in the industry yet, this is mainly because I no I’m not ready, though thanks to Dave I now no that clients are really stubborn. DM (Design Mechanics) seems to be a good place to start work as it must be one of the only places taking on people with no experience.