The best colour combination: Black & White
Black and white: the most elegant, powerful and engaging colour combination. Black and white come from each end of the colour spectrum, and therefore has maximum contrast. This can be used to draw the viewer’s attention, giving your piece of work full authority on the page. Below we see the Apple logo, in essence just a collection of simple shapes, in practise, a strong, resounding and instantly recognisable black and white logo.
Black and white can also give elegance; smart and uncompromising, it can instantly set a sophisticated and fashionable tone. Some colour combinations drift in and out of fashion. Not black and white. It’s always there, it’s always being used and gives brands a timeless basis on which to establish themselves. Below, the Hugo Boss logo exudes connotations of class, quality and power when combined with a strong, well balanced typographical logo.
Black and white is understood in every culture, can be clearly seen by everyone, and is simple to use effectively. It can represent confidence, power, quality and class without losing its effectiveness in different types of media. It is simply beauty from simplicity. Choose black and white as the colour combination of the sophisticated interactive media designer.
I've used black and white extensively on my personal co-id, and I agree it's a very effective colour scheme to work with.
Another advantage to it is that it prints extremely well because in effect only one colour is being printed. Stark white and black are easily one of the strongest contrast colour schemes you can use.
When used wrong however, it can seem pretty bland, especially when used too much.
Black and White is probably the most refined of the colour combinations and would I would definately choose if I were to want to make something look refined.
It also evokes other moods depending on what it is applied to, I recently used it in a Punk design. It is used so often I think there is plenty you could say and maybe it is the only close contender for THE best combo along with Blite.
I think black and white can be ideal for logos but anymore and I think it looks bland as a design.
It can be a very strong colour scheme but in my opinion too much black and white is a bit 'boring'. I think design has to have some colour. Although the Apple logo is a perfect example of the colour scheme.
I really like the black and white combination and I have used it several times.
I don’t necessarily agree that it produces bland designs however. I feel that a bland design could be achieved with the majority of combinations. The key factor is how the combination is used.
In the examples you have shown the scheme works really well and shows how effective the combination can be.
Black and white really work well together. I have used it many times and have been told countless times by people that I need to use more colour.
Black and white with a hint of a bright colour to me is the best scheme for anything.
This is also how I tend to do my art work. Black and white drawings with just a hint of colour makes the images stand out so much more.
I should probably start to move away from this scheme and to explore a range of colours. Black and white is a great combination, but it's not the only solution.
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