Thursday, January 25, 2007

Starship Trooper

This week has been about getting back into the swing of things. I found self study over the past week difficult, as I was continually putting off Dreamweaver, and was finding it hard to collect information on A6. I know that I have been slow getting back up to speed with the work, as my sorry looking sketchpad shows. I think that to improve it I need a lot more of an experimental approach, more like and art course than a design course.

In my assignment feedback meeting on Wednesday I had a debrief with Steve over the last assignments. I thought that the process of the last was going too well, and soon discovered that I’d made the rather stupid mistake of not putting my name on the assignment sheet. Muuuuuh! [Nel Dyer, 2007].

Steve and I discussed the sketchpad work, which at the moment is holding me back from getting higher grades. I will be doing a couple of sessions with John on ideas generation, which is what I struggle with the most. I am use to creating something from a vision, rather than creating several possible outcomes from a range of initial ideas. As usual, I am probably over complicating the process, as I think that sometimes doing something quick feels like “cheating”, for want of a better word. A bit like doing homework the night before, like you did at school.

In the afternoon our group had a feedback meeting, where we discussed Dreamweaver, A6 handouts and CSS. The general feeling within the group was the Dreamweaver was a bit of a black art, and not as simple as it should be. We all agreed that the best way to work was to create something, test it in both browsers, and then repeat the process again and again. This would allow you to know what elements were creating problems, and thus the design process next time could be tailored to make implementation easier.

Thursday was a chance to research more into our A6 typographers, in my case Neville Brody. Enviously, James had acquired some rather large books on Neville Brody, which are pretty rare and would have been invaluable to my presentation. I think for my slides I will be using a PDF, and will keep the design clean and simple, and will make the presentation easier as I only have to press an arrow key to move between slides.

I bought some books on typography, those books being Get it right with type [Squire] and The complete guide to digital type [Ellison]. Both books were about a tenner, and contained advice on areas such as how to set out type, and also how to create attractive headers. Both books contained information on both print design and web design.

I have already started to plan the kind of things I want to do over the summer holiday, as I think this would be a great time to do some learning, without the stress of deadlines and time limits. I believe I will have to force myself to learn HTML in more depth, as at the moment it’s still a mystery to me. I’m usually bored of the holidays within 5 minutes, so creating a list of things to learn will keep me occupied and provide educational value seems a smart thing to do.

P.S If you’re wondering about the title, it’s a Yes song.


Craig Burgess said...

Force yourself to learn HTML?

Aren't you looking forward to it?

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid there will be the "stress of deadlines and time limits" over the summer holidays. Sorry!

Julian Dyer said...

@ Craig: Learning HTML is one of those things that I have never quite got round to, along with getting exercise and cutting my hair. I was planning to sit down with one of the Elizabeth Castro books, and work through it from the start.

I believe this would at least get me started, and then I could apply it to a private project to get some ‘real’ experience with using it.

I’m looking forward to the results, but not the frustration of getting things to work.

@ Steve: :-( Quell surprise. I just hope its something with an element of fun in it, and fairly open ended. Guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

It's a choice between knocking a couple of units off over summer - to release extra time to do quality work in the 2nd year ... or ... do nothing over summer, and have to work at a consistent, high-intensity throughout the whole of the 2nd year. An intensity which we haven't reached on the 1st year yet.

Any thoughts? Perhaps it's worth a Vox Pop.

Julian Dyer said...

I’d have to see the actual assignment first. If it was something like the portfolio one, that would work well if I was going to learn HTML and CSS over the summer. I’m sure there would be a point at which if the amount of time was large enough that people could do both, learn something new in their own time and still get some of next years units out of the way.

I certainly would not want to take up valuable self study time in the summer with full on assignment work. Summer is too big an opportunity to miss learning either a new program or new techniques. I’d benefit more from doing a bit of each.

Chris Towell said...

I couldn't agree more about the learn a software over the holiday. I have learned a little bit more about photoshop over christmas and feel a bit more confident using it.

The 'couple of units' very daunting... and pardon my unintelligence but what is Vox Pop?

As for the HTML it really is quite simple when you get the hang of it just don't fall in to the trap of spelling words English, if you're a coder, as you will find some words like centre and colour are spelt americanised. If you want I could bring you a 'Magabook', not quite a magazine not quite a book, for you to look at.

Anyway if you want hard try and get PHP to talk to Flash now there's a 'little' challenge in it's self

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Vox Pop

So, a couple of units over four months is "very daunting"? If we don't, it'll be a unit every three and a half weeks when we get back. I know which I'd prefer!

Craig Burgess said...

I know which I'd prefer too. I was planning on getting some work experience in a couple of design studios if they would take me, but I'd much rather knock off a couple of units and produce more quality work to add to my portfolio.

Definitely worth a Vox Pop Steve.

Chris Towell said...

@ Steve

I'm not saying that I would prefer not to. I'd like something to do over the holiday, I just took it as time to earn more cash to pay for next year, in the case I get in...

As for the Vox Pop thank you and I think it is a good idea to get other people's opinions.

I'd say yes to the extra units to top up my portfolio however daunting...

Scott Dunwoodie said...

Summer seems too far away to wait for extra work! Only joking.

Julian-I have a number of exercise books given to me or I have bought relating to Learn HTML in 24 hours Web publishing with HTML and CSS.Both are SAMS book and to be honest they are not visually stimulating.(Good for reference)

For a non coder, likes pictures kind of guy I bought "HTML quick steps"it is fairly basic,but the layout is broken down with screen shots.

There isn't reems of code to look at on a page(even talks about the best form of image compression, but we all know that now!)

It reconfirms stuff we know and other stuff we should! I realise the importance of learning ,HTML. I hope to be taking "Quick Steps" to it.

I sound like a Bloomin' Advert!

Even talks of CSS in Chp 8.