Friday, October 13, 2006

Print, reprint, repeat

This week has all been about constant adjustment. Usually more adjustment is needed in the seconds after pressing the print button.

On Wednesday morning we had a tutorial session with John about our blog entries. This gave us a chance to discuss what a blog was for and what content should be included in it.

I found this to be helpful to an extent, but I believe the time could have been better spent learning how to use some of the controls in the blogger template. As only a few members of the group have the beta account, I think that the other half find it difficult to edit parts of their page.

For next year, I think that the tutors should give a brief tutorial of the basic tools, so that students then have a comprehension of how blogger works. This would provide them with more confidence to use the features of blogger to their advantage in their self study time.

On Wednesday Afternoon I had been concentrating on getting all of my work put into PageMaker, which has again been causing problems for me. On Wednesday, PageMaker would not open my feedback file, and after a lot of unsuccessful attempts to do so I finally conceded defeat. This meant that I had to remake it from the template I had saved earlier. I am glad that I saved the template, and backing up my work is clearly something that I need to continue to do in the future.

On Thursday I continued to make progress on my project. I managed to put all my references in, a process which I was dreading, but I actually found it quite easy. I do get the feeling that you have to put a rather disproportionate amount of effort into proving that you have looked at someone else’s work, rather than putting that effort into producing high quality results. I guess this is just part and parcel of higher education, and I will just have to get use to it.

As the deadline approaches, I am feeling both confident about my work, and apprehensive. I feel that I have made a good effort, but there are so many little issues that could cause me to trip up.

Over the next week I will be organising and neatening up my sketchpad, so that it is ready to hand in on Thursday. I will also have to create my evaluation, and place it into the PageMaker template on Wednesday of next week.


Anonymous said...

"For next year, I think that the tutors should give a brief tutorial of the basic tools, so that students then have a comprehension of how blogger works."

This was one of your first self-study tasks [Week 2], was it not?

Julian Dyer said...

Yes Steve, it was. However, we were told "familiarize yourself with the controls" rather than "learn how to re-edit the HTML so that the page displays properly". Some handy pointers such as "sign up for the beta as it is far easier to use" would also have been helpful. I think alot of problems have stemmed from using the standard blogger, I was just raising the point so that next years students do not make the same mistakes as we did (myself included). Hopefully by next year the beta will have evolved into the new standard.

Anonymous said...

Granted, things would have been easier with Beta Blogger from the start, but Google didn't seem to go out of their way to promote it. Hopefully we won't even have to rely to Blogger next year.